As the story goes, The Malibu Surfing Association (MSA) was founded on a November day in 1961 in the playroom of Butch Linden's Malibu Colony house. A bunch of guys were sitting around drinking (soda!) and someone mentioned that they ought to start a surf club -- establishing world-wide dominance in the sport of surfing. Everyone already knew Malibu had the best surfers. Okay - so maybe that wasn't their original goal, but the end result isn't far from it.
As Team Captain and Board Member of MSA, I'm proud to carry on the honored traditions and customs of our club by building our social media presence and designing and printing gear so members can proudly display their affiliation.
Each month we hold our open meeting at Dukes, Malibu at 7:00 PM. All members of the community are invited to attend.